Well, today is the day I promised to bring all of you the good news our family has been waiting to share!! My heart is heavy writing such great news today, as we are suffering the loss of Rich's sister who passed away this morning. I first want to say thank you all so much for all the messges, calls and text and letting us (him) know how much you care. We are constantly reminded just how short life really is....
Every since Haley passed away, I knew my heart was calling me to do something in her honor. I always had a "vision" of what I wanted, but really couldn't "grasp" the concept of how to even begin to accomplish this vision. Up until a year ago, I was kind of scared to make a change of how we, our family, was doing certain things. We had been raising money for CF for 15 years, and in our eyes, it had been successful. "How could we make a change, what if we fail?"
After praying about this for a while, last January my vision became very clear to me. I had a peace about what I believed could happen and exactly how our family wanted to honor Haley. As we started checking into what it would take to start this vision...there was SO much involved. I knew the vision, I just needed the right time to persue it and the right people put in my path to help me!
As I stated recently in a caring bridge post, we are currently selling Classroom Corner. One of the main reason I have decided to move forward is to persue a dream I have had since her passing, and I feel that it is now the right time to move forward. As I stated, in another post, Opening the store was Chapter 1 to this new way of life for us, and it certainly was the beginning I needed and would not change it for anything, but now it is time for Chapter 2...., which we simply will Title:
The Haley Palmer Foundation
Rich, Brenna, myself and a wonderful group of people who make up the Board for this organization, is very proud to annouce, The Haley Palmer Foundation.
The Mission of the Haley Palmer Foundation is to provide lasting memories for families with chronically ill children. We will grant wishes at a local level and help with necessities in hopes of improving the family’s quality of life.
We are very excited to "kick off" the HPF and we are looking forward to helping ill children in the Owasso and surrounding areas. Everything will be kept at a local level so "you" can see your money at work helping other families in times of need. As parents of a chronically ill child, it was the small things done by local friends, family and complete strangers that made our last few months so special for our family. Even through very tough times, we were able to smile and make lasting memories for all of. The HP Foundation will give these families the opportunities to do things they might not have been able to do without some assistance.
I couldn't be more proud to be part of such a wonderful organization!! You will see much more information in the months to come. We are tying up all the "legal" ends such as paperwork, but I will make the announcement when we can start taking direct "tax deductible" donations! We do know that our 1st Official Fundaraiser will be our "Haley Palmer Bunco Night" that will be held in April or May. I will announce the date a soon as it is set!!
Thank you all for your continued support. The application process will probably not begin until the end of the year. I will keep everyone posted as things progress.
As soon as things are taken care of at the store, I will be able to dedicate all the time needed to make this as successful as possible. My passion and desire for this is none that can be explained.
Looking forward sharing this new path with all of you watching as we are able to bring happiness to others.